Accclaimed Short Film Premieres on Maori TV
Publicity Release
Thursday December 7 2006
Accclaimed Short Film Premieres on Maori Television
Two fighters: one, of youth, who must battle internal demons; one, of age, who must use his skills to save a family … and the ties that bind them together.
So sets the scene for the acclaimed short film BLOOD AND BONE – screening on Maori Television on Monday December 11 at 9.40 PM – about the relationship between a 19-year-old boy, Haami (Michael Koloi), and his uncle, Moko (Gordon Hatfield).
After losing his dad, Haami starts hanging out with a local underground fight promoter, Roy (Vadim Ledogorov). In order to pay off Haami’s drug debt and to save Haami’s life, Moko, an ex street-fighter, must make one last sacrifice. But will this be enough to get Haami on the right track?
BLOOD AND BONE was made with a grant from the Screen Innovation Production Fund, and was written and directed by 24-year-old Joseph Robert Lee who has a degree in film directing from the School of Performing and Screen Arts at UNITEC in Auckland. None of the cast or crew was paid.
BLOOD AND BONE was Lee’s first professional short film and based on its quality, he recently directed the short film, Changing of the Guards, for the New Zealand Film Commission. Another short film, the self-funded Dawn Generation, won the Kodak Young Cinematographer of the Year Award in New Zealand in 2002.
BLOOD AND BONE screens on Maori Television on Monday December 11 at 9.40 PM.
Year 2004
Adults Only (AO)
Duration 17-minute
short film
Language English