The Ultimate Beauty Partnership
Media release 6th September 2007
The Ultimate Beauty Partnership
With summer
just around the corner it’s likely that we’re battening
down the hatches and preparing to hide our flabby winter
skin away! But head to the Beauty Zone at Air New Zealand
Fashion Week 4 U and find out about what the Skin Institute
can do for you this party season.
The Skin Institute has a fantastic range of non-invasive treatments to help you beat cellulite and look your best this summer. Rumoured to be a favourite treatment of Hollywood stars such as Britney Spears and Madonna, Lipolysis is a non-invasive cosmetic medical technique that is ideal for removing small fat deposits on the body and face without surgery – a stress-free way to get the body you want on the beach this summer.
Lipolysis works its magic by injecting Phosphatidylcholine locally into subcutaneous fat deposits, creating a gradual reduction. Cellulite is successfully treated through a special form of Injection-Lipolysis using very fine needles.
For the ultimate in fat reduction, LipoSelection (Liposuction) by vaser is the key to removing fat while maintaining your body’s natural form. The Skin Institute is the only centre in New Zealand to offer LipoSelection by vaser, which is a new technique that enables the surgeon to only remove fat from the body. Other techniques of liposuction can damage blood vessels, nerves and skin, whereas LipoSelection removes only fat and leaves all other structures behind.
LipoSelection by vaser combines new patented technology with advanced surgical techniques to break up and remove fatty tissue. Unwanted fat can be efficiently removed from your abs, arms, back, hips, knees, love handles, neck and chin, saddlebags, thighs – anywhere you've developed a little extra cushioning!
The LipoSelection procedure leaves your nerves and blood vessels largely undisturbed, meaning low to minimal pain and bruising. The procedure also allows physicians to work with such precision that they can shape delicate areas like your inner thighs, arms, chin and neck – the ultimate solution to finally being able to smile back at your reflection this summer.
Look out for the Skin Institute at the Air New Zealand Fashion Week 4 U Beauty Zone on Friday September 21st and Saturday September 22nd.
For more information about the Skin Institute visit