Funding for Waitangi Day 2008 events
23 November 2007
Funding for Waitangi Day 2008 events
The Ministry for Culture and Heritage today announced almost $274,000 of government funding for next year’s Waitangi Day events around the country.
The Commemorating Waitangi Day Fund supports events that celebrate nationhood by commemorating the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi and promoting nation building and community participation.
The fund is intended to encourage widespread participation in Waitangi Day events around New Zealand.
The 2008 allocation covers 61 events, ranging from a multicultural community festival in Porirua to formal dawn karakia and entertainment on the Chatham Islands. It also makes a substantial contribution to official celebrations at Waitangi, Bayof Islands.
The full list of events receiving support is attached as a separate document and can also be viewed on the Ministry’s website at
The Ministry for Culture and Heritage administers the fund. It assesses applications under criteria such as encouraging community participation and achievement, promoting a cultural experience and event, and providing participants with an opportunity to learn more about the Treaty of Waitangi.