Interpol choose opening act!
Monday 4th February 2008
Interpol choose opening act!
Interpol as on their previous visit (when they chose the Demiwhores) from the start insisted on choosing the opening act for their forth coming Auckland show.
Mysterygirl sent them a list (with audio links) of a dozen bands ranging from The Dead C to Charlie Ash and the result is that they chose...
SURF CITY (previously known as Kill Surf City)
previous details
C4, 95bfM, & mysterygirlpresent INTERPOL Thursday 14th February Auckland Town Hall Fresh from their blistering headlining performance at Coachella and the release of their third studio album, Our Love To Admire, Interpol return to New Zealand's shores for only their second visit (2005 was their first)
Over the past five years the four dapper dons of Interpol have jumped from being New York local favorites to a globally respected band. They’ve accomplished this feat with a hardnosed work ethic – treading the boards of hundreds of venues, from Tampa to Tokyo – a flair for the dramatic, and three rapturously received albums of dark and deeply melodic rock (2002’s Turn On the Bright Lights, 2004’s Antics and 2007’s Our Love To Admire).
They’ve graced magazine covers, inspired countless imitators, earned themselves Short List Award nominations, and enjoyed a rare kind of commercial success that has not once infringed on their effortless enigmatic quality.