Scouts Thank MudSliding Volunteers
25 February 2008
Scouts Thank
MudSliding Volunteers
The 2008 Scouts' National MudSlide has 'exceeded expectations' according to Scouts CEO, Chris Hooper. "We expected that the MudSlides would attract a good turn-out, but we were amazed at how many people - including adults - got right into the spirit of the event and really earned their MudSlide Badge."
MudSlides were staged at over 50 locations across the country and in total, something over 10,000 individuals took an active part.
"Some of the larger events involved support from local Volunteer Fire Brigades, School Committees and Council Members, for which we are grateful. With so many people sliding about in the mud, we had to make sure that there was adequate First Aid facilities available should it be needed and that there was plenty of clean drinking water on hand," said Mr Hooper. "While each region will have its own story to tell about the event, I particularly want to thank the thousands of supporters who have made this year's MudSlide the success it has obviously been."
Last year the MudSlides prompted an increase in membership enquiries, contributing to the turnaround in Scout membership, which is now on the increase. While it is too soon to determine the exact scale of new member enquiries, each of the regions has reported strong interest from members of the public about other Scout's activities.