Emerging Artists Exhibit Alongside Cultural Icons
They Were Young Once
Emerging Artists Exhibit Alongside
Some Of NZ’s Cultural Icons
In association with the
Auckland photography festival ‘08
Images by Jo Galvin
4 – 15 June
Tues 3rd June 5.30 – 7pm
Opening speaker –Hon Judith
Tizard, 6pm
Featuring work by: Harvey Benge, Sharon Russell, Marti Friedlander, Alex Mulder, Bruce Connew, Jo Galvin, Gil Hanly, Nic Staveley and Lori Holloway.
The Auckland Festival of Photography creates a fitting context for Satellite Gallery’s annual exhibition, They Were Young Once, which this year brings together the works of NZ photographers, both iconic and rising, in recognition of the creative journey and its origins.
Great artists start somewhere and it is their passion and commitment over time that imbeds their work in our cultural psyche and our sense of place. They Were Young Once celebrates New Zealand’s distinctive cultural lineage of which young emerging artists are an integral part.
While many young artists are often confronted with the imperative to “get a real job”, They Were Young Once points to the established artist as an example of how it is possible to make one’s way in the world without compromise, and the value to society of their doing so. Artists are key to forming and informing our cultural identity and to providing new ways of seeing the world which is integral to freedom.
They Were Young Once first found expression through the exhibition at Satellite Gallery in 2007 where rising young artists exhibited alongside NZ icons such as Ralph Hotere and Nigel Brown. It was opened by Hamish Coney of Art and Object and 14 year old Alex Freeman played the songs of Bob Dylan and Neil Young which emphasized the point that art is a bridge between generations.
Share in our celebration of the arts as a rich and evolving phenomenon.
For more images of the
show visit the exhibition page on our website
Many Thanks to Kim Crawford Wines!
Satellite Gallery
Corner of St Benedicts Street
and Newton Road (Entrance St Benedict’s St)
(09) 3076416
11.00 – 7.00 Tuesday
11.00 – 5.00
Wednesday - Friday
10.00 – 3.00 Saturday and
Entry is free to