Thrills and Chills at the Petone Winter Carnival
from Leisure Active
9 July 2008
Thrills and Chills at the Petone Winter Carnival
Come one, come all! The circus is coming to the Petone Winter Carnival! On Saturday July 19, the Petone Foreshore will be transformed into a carousel of fun, with circus performances and workshops, jugglers, trapeze artists and the odd death-defying stunt or two.
The Petone Winter Carnival is an afternoon and evening of community celebration, capped by the Pelorus Trust Fireshow at 7.30pm. And while the annual fireworks extravaganza will strike Wellington Harbour with dazzling colours and thundering roars, there will also be plenty of excitement on offer throughout the day.
Be entertained by the verbal quips and juggling feats of Mr Fungus or gasp in awe as Chris Devious tosses chainsaws while balancing on a 13 foot Chinese circus pole. Enjoy the visual feast that is Meltfire, a high energy fully-choreographed show that includes fire poi and staff twirling.
Learn how to sail upon the flying trapeze at the Chills Circus Workshop and gasp in amazement as the Thrills Circus Performers perform a spell-binding aerial spectacular on the Big Rig.
The day begins with the Mitre 10 MEGA Petone Polar Plunge at 2.30pm, with prizes for the best dressed and hardiest souls distributed by the team from Classic Hits 90FM. Entry for the mid-winter swim is by gold coin donation, with all proceeds given to Wesley Community Action.
Another highlight of the day is the E Tu Fire Sculptures, created by five artists commissioned by the E Tu Awakairangi Hutt Public Art Trust. The fiery artworks will be lit in succession along the Petone Foreshore as the evening darkens - the perfect warm-up to the evening's big event, the Pelorus Trust Fireshow!
The Petone Winter Carnival on Saturday 19 July is proudly sponsored by Pelorus Trust, Classic Hits 90FM and Mitre 10 MEGA, and organised by Hutt City Council's Leisure Active Business Unit.
further information on the Carnival visit Postponement day: Sunday, 20 July Pre-event
photo opportunities: * The international fireworks
team is available from Wednesday July 16 onwards on site at
the Petone Wharf setting up the fireworks in preparation for
the Pelorus Trust Fireshow at 7.30pm. * Wellington based
sculptors in their studios working on designs for their fire
sculptures as part of the E Tu Fire Sculptures. * Wellington
based circus performers from the Chills Circus
Workshop ENDS