Andrew Blythe - Strange Effigy - Satellite Gallery
ANDREW BLYTHE | STRANGE EFFIGY | 13 – 24 August | Opening: Tues 12 Aug 5.30 – 7pm
Blythe is a gifted self-taught artist whose arresting,
rhythmic paintings possess a raw and deeply moving beauty.
Over the last few years this
gifted artist’s practice
has been prodigious.
A turbulent adolescence saw Andrew in
and out of hospital and living hard in Auckland. During this
time he would draw with pencil and Indian ink, as an
expression of his experiences and depiction of the
downtrodden side of life.
Andrew is not inclined to label
or title his paintings, but rather for them to be seen as an
ongoing dialogue of “free expression and abstract
composition, to be enjoyed..….I am an empty
vessel when I paint”.
Since 2000 his passion for
painting has been supported by Toi Ora Live Art Trust, a
community arts centre providing studio space and tuition for
who have experienced mental illness. Andrew has
been exhibiting his works over the last six years; Strange
Effigy at Satellite Gallery is his first major
Strange Effigy exhibition provides a window into this poetic artist’s world.
To see more of Andrew’s work visit his exhibition page at or
Satellite Gallery
Corner of St
Benedicts Street and Newton Road (Entrance St Benedict’s
Newton, Auckland
(09) 3076416
11.00 –
7.00 Tuesday
11.00 – 5.00 Wednesday - Friday
– 3.00 Saturday and Sunday
Entry is free to all.
Many Thanks to Kim Crawford Wines!