Keep safe this Guy Fawkes
Keep safe this Guy Fawkes
Plunket's national child safety advisor, Sue Campbell, urges families to take care and be responsible with fireworks this Guy Fawkes.
Plunket encourages people to attend the controlled public displays, where neighbours and friends can meet and enjoy the occasion without too much danger. Community fireworks displays can be great fun for all the family, they are well organised and have good safety measures in place.
"Fireworks are fascinating and exciting but can be terrifying for young children," says Sue. "Adult supervision is vital, and if families choose to celebrate Guy Fawkes there are some precautions they can take to keep everyone safe."
Children will often copy adults, so it is important that you keep fireworks out of reach of your children, that you read and follow the safety instructions, keep your lighter or matches well out of reach and have a responsible adult supervising the children.
Sue also adds, "Excitement is high and it is often easy to forget the simple safety precautions that make the fireworks experience safe and fun for littlies."
For more information you can visit and check out their guidelines to ensure you and your family are kept safe.
About the Royal New Zealand Plunket
The Royal New Zealand Plunket Society (Plunket)
this year celebrates its centenary year. Plunket is New
Zealand's largest provider of services that support the
health and development of children under five. It is
dedicated to working with parents and communities to ensure
that New Zealand children get the best start in life.
Plunket's services help families nationwide, through over
550 branches, mobile clinics and a free-phone service,
PlunketLine - 0800 933 922. For more information go to