2009 Royal Easter Show Wine Awards
For immediate release 2 March 2009
More entries and more medals in 2009 Royal Easter Show Wine Awards
A marked increase in medals awarded in New Zealand’s oldest wine competition, the 56th Royal Easter Show Wine Awards judged at the ASB Showgrounds, Greenlane, Auckland last weekend is attributed by the director, Terry Dunleavy, to the continued development of quality in New Zealand wines.
“Across all the classes, apart perhaps from rosé, the gold medal winners were outstanding examples of world class winemaking skill applied to grapes grown to the highest international standards of viticulture. It’s no wonder that New Zealand wines are in such high demand in overseas markets. It’s heartening to know that in these current times of doom and gloom, at least we can celebrate the fact that our people are producing wines of which all New Zealanders can be proud,” said Dunleavy.
Total entries were 1562, a 17% increase on last year’s 1334, and total medals were a record 935, representing 59.8% of total entries.
Gold medals were 92 well up on last year’s 76, for a tally of 5.9%. Silver medals rose slightly to 208 from 200 last year and bronzes were 635, up from 576.
The country’s largest wine region, Marlborough, contributed the most medals (37 gold, 73 silver, 248 bronze) ahead of Hawkes Bay (29 gold, 64 silver, 164 bronze).
Judging was under the guidance and supervision of long-serving chairman of judges, Bob Campbell MW, and his deputies, the highly respected Australian judge, Mike DeGaris, and Hawkes Bay judge and winemaker, Kate Radburnd.