Lotto Players Racing Their Way To $509,937
18 April 2009
Players in Ponsonby and Invercargill Racing Their Way To
As the V8s race around Hamilton, two lucky Lotto players will soon have their bank accounts revved up after each winning $509,937 on Lotto First Division, says NZ Lotteries’ Chief Executive, Todd McLeay.
The winning tickets were sold at Richmond Road Superette in Ponsonby and Collingwood Foodcentre in Invercargill.
Last week a player who bought their ticket at New World Albany in North Shore City won $2,238,505 on Lotto First Division and the prize is still unclaimed.
“The Easter long weekend and school holidays mean that some players are away from home and could have forgotten to check their tickets,” says Mr McLeay.
Lotto Powerball has jackpotted again this week, and will be worth an estimated $9 million in next Saturday’s draw.
Strike Four wasn’t struck either so will be worth an estimated $500,000 next week.
Tonight’s other big winner was Susan O’Brien from Auckland who spun and won $275,000 on Lotto’s Winning Wheel.
All Lotto players are automatically in the draw to win the opportunity to spin Lotto’s Winning Wheel, regardless of the type of ticket they buy. Players can check their ticket at any lottery outlet.
Tonight’s Winning Wheel ticket was sold at Magazine City Henderson in Waitakere City. The serial number is 326-13761280-20XX.
“Anyone who bought a ticket at these retailers should write their name on the back of the ticket and check it as soon as possible at any NZ Lotteries’ outlet," Mr McLeay says.