Teen author's successful trip to Kaitaia
Eighteen year old author and speaker's successful trip to Kaitaia
Teen author and speaker Eva-Maria came back from a successful trip in Kaitaia on Wednesday night. She was up for two days, with a number of appearances to the local schools, youth and the Business & Professional Womens Group.
Workshops for over 20 youth was organized by local Youth Transition Services and Te Hiku Crew. Space donated by REAP proved a great couple of days for Kaitaia youth to learn about school, work, motivation, planning and mentoring skills. The youth went away with great passion and skills to inject into the world!
School visits with speeches about motivation, and living life at 18, improving relationships between adults and teens, and getting youth voices out into the world to Abundant Life and Pompalier students provided them with knowledge and entertainment about being a teen in the 21st century, and using this to the advantage of the world.
The Tuesday evening’s large Business & Professional Womens Group enjoyed a speech about improving relationships between adults and teenagers, from a teenagers’ perspective, which a couple of youth attended and, along with all others, found very insightful. The three points about Communication, Values and Responsibilities were raised in order to help adult-teenager relationships to all parents, teachers, youth workers, employers and all others who attended the evening.
Eva-Maria appeared on Maori TV and two Te Hiku radio stations on Wednesday morning, following on with her mission still in full swing to help improve one million adult-teenager relationships around the world.