Witnesses pleased 1000s came to "Keep the Watch"
(Postconvention Release) September 6, 2009
Witnesses pleased that thousands came to “Keep on the Watch!”
AUCKLAND—Jehovah’s Witnesses had powerful reasons to rejoice regarding their 2009 “Keep on the Watch!” District Convention. They were delighted to note many in the community chose to attend sessions of their annual three-day event.
The peak attendance of 3,653 included Witnesses and non-Witnesses alike from the Auckland area. They came to the TelstraClear Pacific Events Center in Manukau for a convention program that focused on the need to heed what the Witnesses say is the Bible’s urgent message concerning the end of wickedness. Some titles of the program parts show the scope of the subjects covered during the program.
* “‘Stay Awake’ as Christian Families!” was a convention highlight on Friday afternoon. Bible-based encouragement was given to help families stay spiritually alert to dangers that threaten their future happiness. Practical advice was given to help families preserve unity in matters of worship and their relationship with God.
* “Help People to ‘Awake From Sleep,’” a symposium presented on Saturday morning, was based on the passage at Romans 13:11 and showed the importance of avoiding spiritual apathy. It emphasized why Jehovah’s Witnesses feel the need to intensify their efforts in the public ministry, an activity for which they are well-known.
* “Your Brother Was Dead and Came to Life” was the title of a modern-day drama that was the feature of Sunday afternoon’s program. It was based on Jesus’ famous parable of the prodigal son, recorded at Luke 15:11-32.
“Bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes,” observed convention chairman Robin Stolp. “Our program has helped us to see the significance of this, and to keep alert to future developments. We were reminded of a wonderful future in store for those who remain faithful.”
The Witnesses were particularly delighted on Saturday to welcome 29 who joined their ranks by getting baptized in symbol of their dedication to God. Witnesses view baptism as a vital step in gaining God’s approval and putting oneself in line for surviving the end of the world.
The three-day event ended Sunday at 4:00 p.m. At the conclusion, the audience broke out in spontaneous prolonged applause and gave evidence of being determined to follow through with the urgent appeals.