New Zealand is Experiencing New Moon Fever
New Zealand is Experiencing New Moon Fever
The Twilight Saga: New Moon - In the second installment of Stephenie Meyer’s phenomenally successful Twilight series, the romance between mortal and vampire soars to a new level as Bella Swan delves deeper into the mysteries of the supernatural world she yearns to become part of. Only to find herself in greater peril than ever before.
At the stroke of midnight - Thursday 8th October, online advance tickets to The Twilight Saga: New Moon went on sale to the public.
With the phenomenon that was Twilight, New Moon is set to make the same journey. Due to the popularity of NEW MOON, Hoyts Cinemas have already opened up another midnight and La Premiere screening to meet the needs of these fan crazed Twilighters. Other participating cinemas are also experiencing the same flow of interest with many of their midnight sessions filling up fast. In Auckland alone, SKYCITY Cinemas have pre-sold 80% of their midnight sessions with Hamilton being the first city to sell out their midnight session.
Just to add to the excitement, Hoyts, MTV and Flight Centre are giving you the chance to “Win a dinner date with a star from New Moon”. Pre-book your ticket at or Hoyts box office and be in the draw to win. ZM will also be announcing the winners to the LA world premiere of New Moon this Monday so stay tuned for this thrilling announcement.
In Cinemas November 19