JP In Conversation with Noel Cheer
Justice of the Peace In Conversation with Noel Cheer
There's more to this venerable office than one might at first think. Its been around since 1361, for a start.
This week’s guest “In Conversation with Noel Cheer” on Triangle/Stratos Television is Wallis Walker, past President of the Auckland Justices of the Peace Association. The JPs back up the formal judicial system and provide invaluable service, much of it unnoticed, except by the immediate beneficiaries.
Triangle Television, Auckland: (UHF Channels 41, 42 and 52) Wednesday September 22th, 7:00pm
Stratos Television, nationwide: Monday
September 27th at 8:30pm.
Stratos is found on the
satellite platforms Sky Digital Channel 89 and Freeview
Digital (but not HD) Channel 21.
Stratos is also found
on Telstraclear Cable Channel 89 in Wellington, Kapiti and
Christchurch and on the streaming television website