John Miller: Wha Tekau Tau - The Struggle Endures
John Miller
Wha Tekau Tau - The Struggle Endures - 3 - 19 June 2011
Preview: Friday 3 June 5.30 - 7pm
Part of the Festival of Photography, Wha Tekau Tau - The Struggle Endures is a selection from Miller's outstanding portfolio of Maori protest photographs.
The Waitangi Treaty celebrations earlier this year marked the 40th anniversary of the very first direct action protest by young Maori, demanding proper recognition of Treaty principles. The actions of Nga Tamatoa in disrupting the 1971 Treaty ceremonials marked the beginning of a more direct style of protest that has waxed and waned through successive decades ever since. John Miller's photographs return to these beginnings of the Maori people's long struggles to restore political, economic and cultural rights that were seriously eroded over previous decades.
This show includes images from the early Treaty protests, the 1975 Maori Land March and the 2004 Foreshore and Seabed Hikoi. On February 6 last, Miller continued this documentation, begun at Waitangi, forty years before.
pierre peeters gAllery
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Habitat Courtyard