Angels and Aristocrats in New Zealand Art Galleries
*Angels and Aristocrats in New Zealand Art Galleries
New Zealand art collections contain many works of European art in the genres of religious, historical, landscape and portrait.*
The Senior Curator at the Auckland Art Gallery, Mary Kisler, will be In Conversation with Noel Cheer on Triangle/Stratos Television discussing her recent book "Angels and Aristocrats" in which many of these works are described in detail.
*Stratos Television, Nationwide*: Monday August 8th at 8:00pm (repeated August 10th at 6:30am and August 12th at 12:30pm). Stratos is found on Sky Digital Channel 89 and Freeview (satellite and HD) Channel 21. Stratos is found also on Telstraclear Cable Channel 89 in Wellington, Kapiti and Christchurch and on the streaming television website * Triangle Television, Auckland* (UHF Channels 41, 42 and 52): Wednesday August 10th at 7:00pm (repeated August 12th at 12:30pm)