Ambassador for Mexico In Conversation on Triangle/Stratos
Ambassador for Mexico In Conversation on Triangle/Stratos Television
Last year, The United Mexican States celebrated both the 200th anniversary of its independence from Spain and the 100th anniversary of its revolution. The entire year was proclaimed by President Felipe Calderón as "Año de la Patria," or "Year of the Nation." But the path, both to and from those centennial years, was not smooth. Nor is the present serene.
Who better to discuss these matters In Conversation with Noel Cheer on Triangle/Stratos Television than the Ambassador for Mexico, Her Excellency Leonora Rueda?
*Stratos Television,
* Nationwide:
Monday October 24th at 8:00pm (repeated October 26th at
6:30am and October 28th at 12:30pm).
Stratos is found on Sky Digital Channel 89 and Freeview (satellite and terrestrial) Channel 21.
Stratos is found also on Telstraclear Cable Channel 89 in Wellington, Kapiti and Christchurch and nationwide on the streaming television website
*Triangle Television,* Auckland (UHF Channels 41, 42 and 52): Wednesday October 26th at 7:00pm (repeated October 28th at 12:30pm)