Re-Framing the Sacred
Re-Framing the Sacred
After Galileo and Darwin, we can no longer do science in the old way. In the past few centuries similar thresholds have occurred in art and politics, in medicine, literature and philosophy. Why not religion also?
Next week's guest In Conversation with Noel Cheer on Triangle/Stratos Television says that we ought to, as it were, by-pass the churches and re-invent the Sacred and what we mean by God.
Dr. Val Webb, an academic and writer from Australia, thinks that the question is quite a bit bigger than the old tired questions about God in his heaven and it grows out of sustained thinking about our human condition.
Stratos Television, Nationwide: Monday October 31st at 8:00pm (repeated November 2nd at 6:30am and November 4th at 12:30pm). Stratos is found on Sky Digital Channel 89 and Freeview (satellite and terrestrial) Channel 21. Stratos is found also on Telstraclear Cable Channel 89 in Wellington, Kapiti and Christchurch and nationwide on the streaming television website
Triangle Television, Auckland (UHF Channels 41, 42 and 52): Wednesday November 2nd at 7:00pm (repeated November 4th at 12:30pm)