Generous backpackers support Kiwi kids
Generous backpackers support Kiwi kids

Backpackers are often
known for travelling on a shoe string budget; however the
guests at the Wellington YHA have been more than generous in
their support of Lions Clubs of New Zealand campaign Heads
Up for Kids.
Back packers have been digging out coins from their passed travels to help the nationwide project that collects old New Zealand and all foreign currency to fund education programmes for New Zealand’s youth.
Since October the Wellington YHA has been hosting a collection tin at reception and say that their guests are more than happy to donate the coins from countries they have been travelling through.
YHA receptionist, Mereana Henderson says that their guests are more than happy to hand over the coins in support of New Zealand kids.
“A backpacker from Cork, Ireland, just dropped in a big handful of coins from about 4 different countries saying he was happy he could contribute something to his second favourite country,” says Henderson.
Japanese backpacker, Junko Hashimoto said she was pleased to lighten her load, “My wallet was getting very heavy with foreign coins, but I don’t want to throw the money away. I am very happy it can go to a good cause.”
Since the launch of Heads Up for Kids 18 months ago, over 10 tonne of old NZ and foreign currency has been collected. The money is redeemed for legal tender and spent on education programmes including the Spirit of Adventure and the Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoor Pursuits Centre. A number of New Zealand’s young people have benefit from the funds raised, recently 60 students from Naenae and Taita colleges received scholarships to the Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoor Pursuits Centre.
Old money and foreign currency can be taken to any Resene Colorshop throughout the country, selected New World Stores, or can be collected by a Lions Club member by calling 0800 Old Money.