Wellingtonians challenged to alcohol-free month
31 January 2012
Wellingtonians challenged to alcohol-free month
The Drug Foundation is challenging Wellingtonians who say they are moderate drinkers to put their money where their mouths are by taking up FebFast’s fun February challenge.
Are you one of Wellington’s responsible drinkers? Do you reckon you don't need alcohol to have a good time?
The Drug Foundation’s FebFast 2012 campaign is your chance to prove it. By signing up you pledge to go without alcohol for the rest of February, the shortest month of the year. Family and friends sponsor you, and money raised goes to charities working with young people affected by alcohol.
Coordinator Catherine Milburn says it’s a great opportunity for Wellingtonians to test themselves and maybe think about the role alcohol plays in their lives.
“FebFast isn't saying it’s bad to drink alcohol, and we agree most people say who say they are in full control of their drinking probably are. But have they ever really been challenged to prove it? Here’s their chance to do just that.”
She says many of last year’s FebFast participants said they were surprised at how much they enjoyed testing their own mettle, and felt a real sense of achievement.
“A lot reported feeling healthier and fitter and said they saved money and lost weight. Some said they slept better, or felt much more alert and energetic at work.”
But she says there’s a lot more to FebFast than just a sense of personal achievement.
“FebFast is also a wonderful opportunity to benefit others who are less fortunate. A real upside is how your small sacrifice can help organisations that work with people who are addicted, or who are affected by others’ alcohol use.”
She says the most unfortunate victims of alcohol misuse are often young, and most of the charities to benefit this year have a focus on helping children and youth.
“Come on Wellington! We dare you to show us what you’re made of. It’s only for the rest of the month, and it’s a great opportunity to do some good for yourselves as well as others.”
FebFast recipient organisations this year include Evolve, a free service for young people in Wellington. The others are:
• The ADHD Association,
which also provides substance abuse
• Rainbow Youth in
• CareNZ in Waikato, which provides
addiction services.
To register for FebFast or to find out more visit www.febfast.org.nz