Te Huirangi Waikerepuru To Lead Albuquerque Exhibition
Tuesday 21st August
Press release: Intercreate.org
Executive Director
Te Huirangi
Waikerepuru To Lead Exhibition About Water In
Dr Te Huirangi Waikerepuru will lead a small entourage of New Zealanders to Albuquerque, for the dawn opening of "Wai" (which means water or flow).
Dr Waikerepuru provided the core concept of the "Wai" exhibition. The group of works unites Mātauranga Māori - traditional Māori knowledge - with leading edge art and technology.
The exhibition is to be held as part of the International Symposium on Electronic Art (http://isea2012.org/) at 516 Arts (http://www.516arts.org/) in September.
Curated by Ian Clothier, the sounds of traditional Māori and Navajo instruments will be heard in the exhibition space, controlled by data sensors located in Taranaki.
The audio components compliment two installation objects (a Pou Hihiri and a model of ocean acidification) and four videos. One of the videos is made by GNS (Geological and Nuclear Sciences).
The approach of uniting the views of science, art, Mātauranga Māori and technology has attracted considerable interest. Last year Dr Waikerepuru and Mr Clothier worked together on the exhibition "Second Nature" in Istanbul (http://isea2011.sabanciuniv.edu/other-event/uncontainable-second-nature).
A compressed version of the Istanbul exhibition was shown in Rio de Janeiro in December 2011. Planning is currently underway for an exhibition in Sydney next year.
Wai means much more than just water for Māori, and is a unifying force connecting ancestors, the land and our own bodies.
For further information:
an introduction to Wai, with a usable image by Jo Tito (must
be acknowledged)
components of the exhibition, and has a visualisation of the
exhibition space in Albuquerque
roles and responsibilities of Te Hunga Wai Tapu, the
collaborative group formed for the