Wainuiomata punters make splash with big pools win
September 3,
Wainuiomata punters make splash
with big pools win
A group of Wainuiomata
punters have a couple of canny mates to thank after they
grabbed a big share of the TAB’s $500,000 rugby and rugby
league pools at the weekend.
The syndicate made up of 35 regulars at the Wainuiomata TAB branch banded together with the goal of winning big by correctly picking the results from 10 rugby and rugby league fixtures.
Each chipped in $3 and, as part of group’s tilt at the big pool, two syndicate members brainstormed a single $64 bet proved to be on the money – returning a whopping $73,115.
TAB Wainuiomata branch manager Wendy Forrest said the win for the syndicate made up of her regulars was a great result.
“A couple of them actually decided to have a go picking the results themselves and they ended up getting them right for all 10 games. Even though each member will get around $2000 each, I’m sure they’ll be only too happy to shout a drink or two for their two mates who picked the results on their behalf.”
And it was almost too easy for two punters who were among seven individuals or groups to take a share of the $500,000 pool.
A TAB computer-generated Easybet scored more than $72,000 for a punter who purchased an $8 ticket at the Brandon St branch in Wellington, while a $12 Easybet sold at Rotorua West earned $72,437 for its recipient.
The pools winners correctly picked the results and margins (12 points and under, or 13 and over) from seven NRL league matches and three ITM Cup rugby matches. As well as the first division pool, some winners also claimed first and second concessions.