New Zealand Author wins opportunity of a life time!
New Zealand Author wins opportunity of a life time!

Kiwi Author and Columnist, Emma Mildon, has won a seat at an opportunity of a life time. Mildon, 26, submitted her manuscript 'License to Love' into a Hay House Publishing competition in the hopes of winning a contract with Americas biggest self-help publisher - the competition is still in judging so the fate of her place is unknown, however she has already been picked out to meet some of Americas most influential 'movers and shakers' in the publishing industry.
Mildon shares, "As a young Author from New Zealand I spend a lot of my time filing rejection letters. Not because I am Kiwi, more because I am young. It is ironic in a world we teach not to prejudice on color, on culture, on religion there is little to help the next generation of artists and advisors break through prejudices because of age."
Mildon believes that it is her age that is one of the key reasons preventing her work from hitting shelves. She gave up her quest to get published in New Zealand after receiving instant auto-reply rejections from all of the major publishing houses throughout the country and has been traveling world wide for the past two years on her quest to get her work published since. This opportunity to present her work and herself in New York has been a long awaited and presistent pitching process.
"The saying, 'An Author is a amateur writer who never gave up' couldn't ring any more true!" She laughs.
Mildon has a strong argument which is one of the reasons her voice has been heard by the American self-help publishing industry. "Who says you need to be an old fart to give advice?" She argues. "In a world that teaches peace but practices war, why aren’t we teaching youth to live peaceful lives - instead we simply help them to battle through it?"
"In a world where there is every ‘how to’ self help book imaginable targeted at empty nesters, mothers and grandmothers – where are the self-help books for the daughters? More importantly at this point in life you shouldn’t need self help, self help is a product of not getting the right info to start off with…"
"My books are books for before the crisis - the books you read before you need help so you know how to deal with life, books for teens, tweens - anyone who wants to be preventative! Self help is a reactive industry that I aim to make proactive! And that is the exact reason it needs some young blood pumping through it."
Mildon is set to meet Hay House Publishing CEO, Reid Tracey, and other leading publishing professionals in late November in New York. And regardless of her place in the competition or out come of her meeting in New York one thing looks certain - this Kiwi Author looks set to be a name and a voice to look and listen out for.
You Tube Video Channel - Emma Mildon