Pet safety tips for Halloween
Pet safety tips for Halloween
Halloween is supposed to be a scary time – but not for your pets! To help keep companion animals happy and safe this Halloween, SPCA Auckland recommends:
1. No treats for your pets: Lollies and especially chocolate are actually toxic for dogs and cats. Switching to sugar-free lollies doesn’t help – artificial sweeteners can also cause health problems. If you suspect your pet has eaten something toxic, please call your veterinarian immediately.
2. Think twice about dress-ups: We recommend that you don’t dress up your pet, however if you feel compelled to do so, try the costume out in advance to see how they react. If they seem distressed in any way, don’t do it. If the costume restricts their movements or ability to breath, bark, or meow, don’t do it. If they have an allergic reaction, don’t do it. Check the costume carefully to ensure there are no small, easily-chewed-off parts that they can choke on. Check it fits properly and won’t snag on things and suffocate or injure them.
3. Keep pets away from the front door: A steady stream of weirdly costumed strangers banging on your door and demanding lollies is enough to frighten or distress any animal. Keep them in a separate room, preferably with company so you can tend to trick or treaters without worrying about your pets darting out the door.
4. Collars
on please: Make sure your dog or cat is wearing some
identification or is microchipped so if they do escape,
getting them back will be that much