ArtWeek Exhibition: B.G.M.E.R.C
B.G.M.E.R.C; breathinggrowingmovingengagingreactingchanging
The White Wall From the Emptiness 2012 / Raewyn Turner Fragrant Earth 2012
Containing a
creative ensemble of works developed through new and old
technologies, a living improvisation of self and a
poetic-kinetic-sculpture improv performance; the works
presented in B.G.M.E.R.C pose questions about the
environment around us, our thoughts on how scientific
research fits within our subjective conscious, how we engage
with the immediate environment around us, our sensory
perception and the foreign realms of the senses and the very
notion of the original as an effect and consequence of how
we see oneself.
This show has been inspired by the
following statement;
At present the interaction between man and nature is determined by the fact that in addition to the two factors of change in the biosphere that have been operating for millions of years—the biogenetic and the abiogenetic—there has been added yet another factor which is acquiring decisive significance—the technogenetic. As a result, the previous dynamic balance between man and nature and between nature and society as a whole has shown ominous signs of breaking down.
Spirkin, A. (1983) Dialectical
Materialism - On the Human Being and Being Human Man in the
Realm of Nature.
Retrieved from
Featuring works created by; Juanita Jelleyman, Dale Copeland, Luke Munn, Katrina Rose, Isla Osborne, Raewyn Turner, The White Wall, Justin Jade Morgan.
Opening night: Friday
26th October: Performance From the Emptiness by The
White Wall – 6.30pm
Sue-Li Tasker Yeo performs In
Her Image by Luke Munn 7.00 – 7.05pm
Sunday 28th
October: Gallery/Lounge Attendant – Join Justin Jade
Morgan in the lounge for discussions and