Call for applications: Fulbright Travel, Specialist Awards
Fulbright New Zealand invites applications for its first round of short-term NZ-US exchange awards for 2013. The following awards are available for exchanges of up to 90 days in the United States of America by New Zealand academics, artists or professionals:
Fulbright New
Zealand Travel Awards
These awards, valued at up
to NZ$5,000, are for New Zealand academics, artists or
professionals to visit the US for 12 to 90 days in order to
present their work to American audiences. Approximately
twelve awards are offered each year. Recent grantees have
included academic experts in ecological restoration of
offshore islands, forensic science, and human digestive
health, who will present their work at conferences and
university lectures in the US.
Pae o te Māramatanga Travel Awards in Indigenous
These awards, valued at up to
NZ$5,000, are for New Zealand academics, artists or
professionals to visit the US for 12 to 90 days in order to
present their work on a theme of indigenous development to
American audiences. A small number of awards are granted
each year. Recent grantees will present their research into
traditional Māori food crops, indigenous understandings of
wellbeing, and indigenous and minority school achievement,
at various US universities.
In addition, New Zealand institutions are invited to apply to host visiting American academics, artists or professionals on short-term exchanges to New Zealand:
Specialist Awards
These awards, valued at up to
US$11,700, are for New Zealand academic institutions to host
US academics, artists or professionals for two to six week
programmes of lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences or
symposiums. Up to six awards are granted each year. Recent
recipients of awards to host visiting Fulbright Specialists
include Massey University, Unitec Institute of Technology,
the University of Waikato and the University of Otago, who
will host specialists in information technology in emergency
management, family violence and sexual abuse prevention, and
business law.
Applications for each of these awards close at 5:00pm on 1 April 2013. See or contact Ron Mitchell at Fulbright New Zealand for further information - / (04) 494 1500
Note that we have changed our application closing dates for these awards. From this year onwards there will be two award rounds annually, closing 1 April and 1 August.