Expert to discuss building sustainability into public
16 July 2013
Expert to
discuss building sustainability into public
Australian architect Perry Lethlean will visit Victoria University next week to deliver a free public lecture on how cities can incorporate sustainable ideas into urban design.
The lecture, titled Waterfront work and public infrastructure by building sustainability into public landscapes will focus on the role of landscape and nature in shaping the form, quality and character of our cities, and will be followed by a question and answer session.
Mr Lethlean’s experience varies from the preparation of large-scale urban design frameworks and master plans, to the detailed design of urban spaces, master planning and design of tertiary institutions and working with Local and State Government agencies.
He has led the successful implementation of complex landscape and urban projects such as the Geelong Waterfront Redevelopment, Forest Gallery at the Melbourne Museum and the Wynyard Quarter in Auckland.
Before the public lecture, Mr Lethlean will present a Masterclass for Master’s students from Victoria’s Faculty of Architecture and Design about waterfront infrastructure and best practice for a liveable city.
His visit is
supported by the New Zealand Institute of Landscape
Architects Education Foundation.
Public lecture
Waterfront work and public
infrastructure by building sustainability into public
When: Tuesday 23 July,
5.30pm (drinks from 5pm)
Where: Lecture
Theatre One, Victoria University Faculty of Architecture and
Design, 139 Vivian Street, Wellington
Admission is free, all are welcome.