New campaign to thank Wellington Region’s sport volunteers
New campaign to thank Wellington Region’s sport volunteers kicks-off
Sport Wellington is at the heart of a ‘Thank a Sport Maker’ campaign launched this week, to recognise the tens of thousands of sport volunteers (or “Sport Makers”) who literally make sport happen in the greater Wellington region.
The campaign is part of a partnership with the Lotto Volunteer Foundation and Sport New Zealand that will see the greater Wellington region sharing in over $1 million of quality clothing and sports gear to be awarded to Sport Makers throughout New Zealand over the next three years.
People can show their appreciation for the Sport Makers who blow a whistle, coach, balance the books or help cook the sausages for the fundraising BBQ, by sending a thank you e-card available at
Sport Makers who receive a thank you e-card can then enter a monthly draw to win $500 worth of merchandise for them or their team, including netballs, rugby balls, soccer balls, team medical kits, cones and clothing. Nationally there will be 34 winners every month, with at least one winner from the greater Wellington region.
Sport Wellington’s General Manager Tracey Diack says the ‘Thank a Sport Maker’ campaign will be part of a wider volunteer recognition programme run by Sport Wellington, which includes working with clubs and regional sporting organisations to develop their volunteer capacity as well as established award and recognition programmes such as The Dominion Post Wellington Sportsperson of the Year Awards. “By taking the time to send an e-card you are sending a clear message that the person’s time is valued, and that the work they are doing is appreciated and has been noticed” says Diack.
New Zealand netball star Katrina Grant has also been keen to get involved, acting as a Sport Maker Ambassador.
“I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help of a huge bunch of volunteers, going right back to my first day putting on a netball bib,” said Katrina Grant.
“Even at an elite level we rely on volunteers to make our games possible, with members of the score bench just one example.
“I’ll be firing off plenty of Sport Maker thank you e-cards and I urge everyone involved in sport to do the same at