Dialect showing at Mairangi Arts Centre
Dialect showing at Mairangi Arts Centre
Spark Centre is an inclusive, creative space that provides visual arts & art therapy programmes for people living with disabilities, impairment, or diversity. Spark delivers a professional service in person-centred, visual arts learning & creative therapies; the work is a unique synthesis of arts practice & self development. An important aspect of the centres objectives is to establish exhibition opportunities for the artists, seeking to promote and advocate for artists living with diversity.
Selected Spark Centre artists are exhibiting their works at Mairangi Arts Centre from 11th Sept – 5 Oct 2013.
Dialect will showcase recent works created by individuals selected from within the community of artists who practice at the Spark Centre of Creative Development. The exhibition will present a concise body of work, reflecting the cultural and artistic diversity existent within Spark Centre. Each artist within this group would each present a small body of related works.
Over time and under the guidance of Spark Centre arts facilitators, each artist has explored their reality and examined the world around them. They have developed their own unique expressive visual language and established a particular style of working. Their arts practice has become a cornerstone of their life – a way of granting meaning or simply articulating their reality.
A written statement and photograph from each artist will sit alongside their artworks at the exhibition providing the audience with an insight into the life of the artists and their artistic practice.