YNZ’s National Sail Training gains full ISAF accreditation
Yachting New Zealand
Media Release
YNZ’s National Sail
Training gains full ISAF accreditation
Yachting New Zealand’s National Sail Training Programme is now internationally recognised after gaining full accreditation from the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) following an ISAF Recognized Training audit visit from 27th – 30th October 2013.
The visit included a comprehensive review of the national programme management at the YNZ Headquarters in Auckland, combined with visits to a range of Training Venues such as Evans Bay Yacht & Motorboat Club and Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club in Wellington, Wakatere Boating Club on Auckland's North Shore, the Royal Akarana Yacht Club and the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron.
Yachting New Zealand’s Participation and Development Manager Andrew Clouston said, "Yachting New Zealand is delighted to receive accreditation for ISAF Recognized Training. We believe we have very good national programmes for sailors and coaches, and it is great to have ISAF recognise this.”
“We found the audit process useful, providing us with an opportunity to share with ISAF how we run our programmes and also reflect on how other MNA's deliver their National Training Programmes. Yachting New Zealand is happy to be part of this global practice of sharing good practice"
Dan Jaspers, Training and Development Manager at ISAF said, "I am very pleased to have Yachting New Zealand on board with this area of our work. I have worked closely with Andrew Clouston to build the relationship and this accreditation result is a wonderful addition to the success of both of our efforts”
“Having seen the Training Programmes of Yachting New Zealand presented to the delegates at our Oman-based Development Symposium by Andrew earlier this year it was clear to me and to the delegates from over 17 MNAs that having a member such as New Zealand involved would be a catalyst for the programme as a whole. As the first ISAF member from Oceania to receive this recognition it is hugely exciting to look forward to working more closely with Yachting New Zealand in our programmes throughout the region, hopefully adding a YNZ Coach to our growing International team of ISAF Nominated Experts”
“I thank David Abercrombie, Rodger Kerr-Newell and Andrew for all their hard work in making this visit possible."
The Yachting New Zealand suite of Learn-to-Sail training programmes encompass both dinghy and keelboat disciplines and are offered at YNZ affiliated Yacht Clubs throughout the country.
Yachting New Zealand trains coaches who deliver
the course content as well as offering resources including
logbooks, wall charts and