International flavour to Christmas at Old St Paul’s

Photo from a similar event held at Old St Paul’s in 2010 (Credit: Photography by Woolf)
Friday 15 November
International flavour to Christmas at Old St
The stunning gothic architecture of Wellington’s Old St Paul’s will take on a festive glow next month, as the iconic church celebrates Christmas with a multi-cultural extravaganza.
The colourful event will take place in a fully decorated church and showcase Christmas customs and carols from around the world on Thursday 5 December.
Built in 1866, Old St Paul’s is a Category 1 Historic Place and has been cared for by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust (NZHPT) since 1967.
“The International Christmas Festival will celebrate the wealth of cultural diversity in New Zealand and focus on the different ways we celebrate Christmas,” says Old St Paul’s Manager Silke Bieda.
The Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, Hon Chris Finlayson will open the festival, and at least 11 nations will be represented, with embassies, high commissions and consulates all presenting Christmas traditions from their home countries. Guests will enjoy an evening of international Christmas music, dance and other performances and get a sense of how Christmas sounds and feels in Argentina, the Ukraine, Israel, Poland and Germany, to name just a few.
Ms Bieda says the event is a uniquely Wellington celebration of Christmas. “Wellington is a very open, multicultural city, with lots of different cultures and traditions making up the social fabric.”
To add to the Christmas atmosphere, acclaimed Wellington chamber choir Nota Bene will perform Christmas Carols from around the globe. The compère for the night will be Nick Tansley.
“Guests will also have a chance to purchase
from the Old St Paul’s gift shop, which will be brimming
with lots of Christmas goodies,” says Ms Bieda.
popular venue for weddings, classical and jazz concerts, Old
St Paul’s is increasingly making a name for itself as a
venue for high profile popular music acts.
Ms Bieda says
the unique atmosphere of Old St Paul’s is almost tangible
in its allure.
“The timber creates an ambient glow
inside the church that is matched by the way different
events seem to change the whole atmosphere.”
For ticket sales for the Old St Paul’s International Christmas Festival go to or contact Old St Paul’s on 04 473 6722 or