Letting Space News
We bring news of the continued expansion of public ground,
with the announcement of a new Letting Space project in
Wellington later this year, and public art projects
happening under the auspices of Urban Dream Brokerage in the
Capital’s CBD this month. Plus more news on projects in
Auckland and Christchurch.
All strength to you out there,
Mark Amery, Sophie Jerram and Helen Kirlew
For our latest public art project
we’re working with artist Siv Fjaerestad on the
development of her Projected Field, for the town belt
and sportsfields of Berhampore, Wellington late this year.
More information on the work can now be found on the Letting
Space website here.
A major part of the work at
this stage is finding out about people’s use of Macalister
and Liardet Street Parks and stories/memories they have.
Whether you’re a local resident, have friends who live in
the vicinity (Vogeltown, Berhamphore, Kingston) or have been
a visitor to the parks in the past we’d love your help. It
takes about four minutes to answer the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/macalister_liardetstreet_parks_survey
and we’d appreciate your help circulating this to people
who might use the park. We’re also collecting stories and
information via a Macalister and Liardet Street Parks
Facebook group here you can join.
We’re also
calling for interns and volunteers interested in joining
this project at this stage as it develops and we build
aspects of it with the local community together. If you’ve
got an interest in what we do and want to get involved this
is a good time. Be in touch by hitting
Journalist and critic Sally Blundell has
produced a terrific summary of the Christchurch TEZA project
in essay form. Joining our archive of essays on Letting
Space projects, read Sally’s essay here. The responses and documentation of
the project continue to grow on this mammoth project. Also
added to our bountiful TEZA Transmission blog is another
written response to the project from Rebecca May from
stellar New Brighton organisation Renew Brighton here. We have also created final
descriptions of all the commissioned projects at www.teza.org.nz.
Projects #13 and
14 are now open ‘for a limited time’ in the Wellington
CBD - Victoria Singh’s Waiting Room (in
residence at the old Ferret Bookshop - 123 Cuba Street) and
Crowe and Dr Sarah Baker’s Moodbank at 29 Manners
Street, Wellington. You’ll find both on the Urban Dream
Brokerage homepage, where we have also assembled extensive
photo galleries and more information on all 14 projects
(click on the links) whose spaces have been brokered by the
Brokerage over the last year.
This concludes the
pilot, supported by the Wellington City Council Public Art
Fund, but we’re rapt to announce that with the assistance
of the Wellington Community Trust we’ll be opening up the
criteria to reach more communities soon.
The first of Letting
Space-JWT artist commissions in Auckland is Judy Darragh’s
work Please Give Generously. We invite you to view
the work in Imperial Lane and on Level Two (ask at reception
for access to the boardroom) of the Imperial Building, 44
Queen Street. It runs until the end of May 2014. Seehttp://www.lettingspace.org.nz/please-give-generously/
for more information and