Pupils to perform with New Zealand String Quartet
Pupils to perform with New Zealand String
Pupils from two Hawkes Bay schools – Kowhai
Special School and Hohepa School – will join forces with
New Zealand String Quartet and clarinettist James Campbell
on Friday 16 May to perform a special mixed-ability event in
Hawkes Bay Opera House in Hastings.
Led by Wellington community musician Julian Raphael, the public performance is the culmination of a series of workshops held at the two schools.
The aim of the performance is to enable the young participants and audience members to experience live music up close, interact with the musicians and their instruments, and appreciate classical music in a welcoming environment.
Chamber Music New Zealand Audience Development Manager Victoria Dadd says: “We believe that all New Zealanders deserve the opportunity to experience live music and we hope this project will stimulate everyone who has been participating and help them develop a life-long love of music.”
Richard Benge, Executive Director, Arts Access Aotearoa applauds Chamber Music New Zealand’s commitment to providing access to music for young people with learning disability.
“It’s fantastic to see leading musicians sharing their skills and love of music in these relaxed performances,” he says. “A lot of planning and work is involved in ensuring the workshops and performances are a success. My congratulations to everyone who is a part of this project.”
The event is open to all and admission is a koha. Doors open at 9.30am, with the main event starting at 10am. The performance will last around 45mins. Please call Glen Pickering on 027 839 4469 or email glenp@hdc.govt.nz if you want to reserve tickets in advance or discuss access requirements.
The New Zealand String Quartet and James Campbell are touring New Zealand till Sunday 18 May. For more information and to book tickets visit www.chambermusic.co.nz
This is the third in a series of annual events across New Zealand aimed at opening access to high-quality chamber music. It is made possible with generous support from Hawkes Bay Opera House, IHC Foundation and Arts Access Aotearoa. Chamber Music New Zealand also acknowledges major funding from Creative New Zealand.