Mirror Mirror, on the wall
Mirror Mirror, on the wall, who, now, is the fairest one of all?

Strings Attached Puppet Theatre
MTG Hawke’s Bay is very pleased to present Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Rumplestiltskinon Saturday 7 June at the MTG Century Theatre.
Bring the family to MTG Hawke’s Bay for a magical puppet theatre experience. Norbert Hausberg ofStrings Attached Theatre brings his one-puppeteer productions of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Rumplestiltskin to the stage.
Hausberg has been performing puppet theatre across the globe since 1984 and is celebrating thirty years of puppetry with this nationwide tour.
Children can also book in for a puppet-making workshop
led by Norbert Hausberg himself. In this
introduction to puppetry, budding puppeteers will make their
own marionette to take home.
Strings Attached Puppet
MTG Century Theatre, 9 Herschell Street,
Saturday 7
Rumplestiltskin – 11am
Snow White & the
Seven Dwarves – 3pm
$10 per person per
$30 Family ticket (four people)
Children under 10
must be accompanied by an adult.
Puppet Making
Saturday 7 June, 1pm
$15 per
Ages 7-12
Limited spaces. Bookings
Tickets and payment for the workshop can be
made from the MTG Theatre Box Office.
To purchase your
tickets online or by telephone contact Ticketek 0800
TICKETEK (842 538). Please note service fees apply for
ticket purchases made online and by