Elam exhibition explores portraiture
Elam exhibition explores portraiture
A new exhibition by Maori and Pasifika Tuākana students from Elam School of Fine Arts explores one of arts oldest genres, the portrait.
The exhibition Whakaahua | Portrait features work by ten Bachelor of Fine Arts students from the University of Auckland, reflecting on the elements required to create a successful contemporary portrait.
From the fabricated idealised self-portraits often used in social media, through to stigma of ‘the unready moment’, where the subject is captured before they are posed, the artists raise questions about how we portray ourselves, and others.
Employing a diverse approach, some artists look at how representation is shaped by cultural upbringing, others at how we are represented in and by our surroundings. Some explore the notion of snippets of conversation or clothing, standing in to depict a person.
The show features photography, painting, sculpture, hybrid contemporary-traditional Polynesian craft,video and installation.
The annual exhibition is part of Tuākana, a University of Auckland mentoring and tutoring programme for Māori and Pasifika students. Based on the concept of older siblings supporting younger ones, it is designed to help students transition to University life and achieve academically in their chosen field.
Whakaahua | Portrait opens at 4.30pm on Tuesday 5 August at the Whare George Fraser and runs until 15 August.
| Portrait
Elam Tuākana exhibition
Featuring work by: Taipari Connelly, Annalise
Enoka, Holly Houpapa, Ngaumu Jones, Brook Konia, Jake
Krause, Ali Sydenham, Serene Timoteo, Ashley Tofa, Uma
Whare George Fraser
25a Princes