Waikato University to host historical garden tours
17 October 2014
Waikato University to host historical garden tours
From cow paddock to botanical gem, the University of Waikato grounds have undergone a transformation in the past 50 years.
To celebrate, the university is putting on 50th Anniversary Celebration Tours of its gardens and grounds led by Ron Lycette, who was the grounds supervisor from 1965-1979.
Lycette came to the university having previously worked at London's Kew Gardens. Arriving at the still-new university came as something of a shock, he says.
“When I came here, it was cold and wet and just bleak paddocks with a few rather ordinary buildings stuck on top. I thought, hell, what have I done to myself, this whole place was nothing. It was just a paddock, we had to drive the cattle out.”
He says they started with an overall plan to impart education into the gardens they developed, aiming for a succession of plants in family relationships to illustrate botanical diversity.
“There is a reason for the order and a lot of hidden messages here. The main thing was to integrate the gardens into the campus and to make it unique, distinctive and Waikato, and something people could be proud of. It should be something that gives everyone a feeling of some sort and it’s turned out that way.”
Wandering around the campus on a visit in late 2013, Lycette was clearly happy with the way things have turned out.
“I’m now seeing new trees I dreamt of as mature specimens, something that was a seed is now there in its prime. That’s the joy of doing something like this. It's so green and lush. This place started as paddocks and I’m happy to say it’s now a lovely place to be. I enjoy it.”
Tours are on Saturday 8 November, Sunday 9 November and Wednesday 12 November from 2pm-5pm. Lycette will present a brief history of the background and development of the campus landscape, which will be followed by a guided tour of the grounds. A high tea follows the tour. A gold coin donation will go towards stage two of the Rongoa (Māori medicine) garden. Tours are limited to 30 people each, so registrations are essential. RSVP your name and date choice to rsvp@waikato.ac.nz.