Good food movement censored
Press release 17.2.15
Good food movement censored
After an excellent initial talk in Christchurch (1) the Food Matters Aotearoa conference this weekend saw internationally renowned scientists, health professionals, physicians and advocates of healthy food production come together to talk to a wide audience from all sectors. The conference was organized with the objective of making available to the public of New Zealand the latest cutting edge knowledge from across the world on the links between agriculture, food and health.
However pressure was brought on the media by organized lobbies representing interests who profit from the sale of products that destroy our health. Media directives issued from the Food Writers Guild appear to be blocking communication about these vital matters.
In New Zealand, as in the rest of the world, food which should be bringing us health is bringing us poisons and disease. The right to know how our food is produced and what the impacts of systems of food production are on our health is a fundamental right of every citizen. This right is being increasingly denied by blocking communication, the flow of information and influence of narrow vested interests on policy, decision making, and the regulatory process.
The diversity of thought has been shutdown, industry has influenced every institution vital to democratic society – science, media, and policy making.
Vandana Shiva “The conference connected the dots, overcame divisions and fragmentations. In our perceptions of the food systems, no matter what the background and disciplines of the speakers, a common vision emerged. Real food is about health and nutrition, as well as freedom and democratic choice. Food is not nutritionally empty commodities produced for profit!”
Bob Mackley Australian farmer “ The Wellington Food Matters conference highlighted the importance of the highest nutritional value from living soil to give the very best health we can enjoy.”
Chef Jerome Douzelet described how the taste, flavour and smell of food heightens our pleasure of eating and improves our health. He stated how important it was to keep Aotearoa GE Free and to avoid the use of poisons particularly pesticides if we want to keep our food healthy and our paradise alive.
(1)The interview with the scientists and chef from last week's talk in Christchurch is now available on podcast