Scouts New Zealand Moves with the Times
Scouts New Zealand Moves with the Times
SCOUTS New Zealand is implementing a new, relevant Scout Law to be shown as values.
Historically, SCOUTS has had a law with
seven components and it became apparent
through our
consultative process for our new 10 year strategic plan,
that youth found it difficult to remember.
The new Scout Law has three values which are each supported by two expected behaviours to support understanding. The three values are Have Respect, Do What is Right, and Be Positive, with the expected behaviours listed below.
The new Scout Law was based on the values in the current Scout Law, and remains inspired by their Founder Baden-Powell’s original Scout Law.
The benefits of the new Scout Law include:
- Uniting the movement with a common set of values, so that members of all ages share the same Scout Law
- SCOUTS’ values can be more easily understood and lived by
- Ensuring SCOUTS’ ongoing relevance for current and future members by introducing a contemporary values model
Reasons for the change:
- While Scouting is well-known
for and proud to be a values based organisation,
consultation identified that members described what they
consider to be SCOUTS’ top three values in over 500
different ways. The different age groups of members also had
different Scout Laws.
- Many Scouting volunteers advised that the change would make it easier for them to teach the values to their youth members and impact greater on communities.
The Scout Law for New Zealand was last changed in the 1960’s.
Implementing the new Scout Law will be a first step in SCOUTS New Zealand’s 10 year strategy entitled ‘Better Prepared’, towards becoming a stronger and more relevant movement. The new Scout Law will be officially launched at the start of Term 4, 2015 (October 12th), after resources for volunteers are created.
Chief Executive, Niamh Lawless, explains that “youth found it difficult to memorise seven historic laws and through our strategic planning process a decision was made to review this. Over 1,000 young people were consulted and contributed to the new value expression.” “This is an exciting time for SCOUTS and further promotes our commitment to empower and listen to young people”