Blazing a Snow Dog trail through the South Island
Blazing a Snow Dog trail through the South Island

Supported by Sport New Zealand’s Hillary Expeditions, a team of adventurers is exploring some of the South Island’s wild terrain to discover ‘New Zealand’s classic snow dog trail’.
Led by experienced mountaineer and adventurer Sarah Wilson, the four-person, eight-husky, team is putting a Kiwi spin on the snow dog experience through a series of exploratory journeys.
“In New Zealand we have classic walks and classic mountain bike trails but where are the classic trips you can go on with a dog pulling you? We decided to get a team together and find out,” says Wilson.
Currently in the middle of their first expedition, the team is aiming to explore the wild terrain of Southland, Otago and South Canterbury. They have just returned from a 3 day trip in the Pisa Range of Otago.
“We are in an exploratory phase of our journey - it’s about testing our gear and training the dogs. We’ve had some amazing snow and are redesigning our equipment as we go from racing equipment to expedition equipment,” says Wilson.
The eight Siberian huskies are broken up into three teams with two three-dog sleds and two dogs pulling a lead skier says Wilson.
“We were coming back the other day through thick, deep snow and the dogs were loving it! You could see big smiles on their faces. When they are not loving it, we slow right down and take it at their pace.”
Wilson says they will follow it up with further exploratory journeys in the winter of 2016 to fully experience the terrain, challenges and opportunities of the rugged South Island.
“I think we will find New Zealand’s classic snow dog trail – but it will take us some time. We are also discovering trips that other people have done but aren’t well known, so it’s digging up those stories and learning from them. I suspect there will be an element of rediscovery in it too,” says Wilson.
Chief Executive of Sport New Zealand, Peter Miskimmin says the Sport New Zealand Hillary Expeditions provide support for New Zealanders to take on exciting, world-first adventures in the great outdoors.
“We are a nation known for its great adventures and adventurers. Our Hillary Expedition grants help carry on the wonderful tradition of great adventurers like Sir Edmund Hillary, whose legacy is honoured by this initiative.
“Hillary Expedition adventurers are a great source of inspiration for all New Zealanders to consider getting into the outdoors themselves.”
More info on Hilary Expeditions:
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