AFS Student Exchange needs Host Families!
AFS Student Exchange needs Host Families!
1st December 2015
Student exchange organisation AFS is urgently seeking volunteer host families to welcome students from all corners of the world.
AFS is currently seeking families from anywhere in New Zealand. Students are due to arrive in NZ in February.
The students are aged between 15 and 18 and families can welcome them into their house from anywhere from three months to 10 months.
Programme Manager for AFS, Diana Rennie said many of the overseas students may have to delay or cancel their exchange if host families are not found for them.
During their stay students attend local high schools and become part of the family of their hosts.
“Students become members of the family; they’re expected to behave like other members, right down to doing dishes or mowing the lawns!” Diana said.
“Host families are very dynamic. We have families with mum, dad and the kids, or a family might be a solo parent, or two dads or two mums, or people whose own children have flown the nest. It’s a great experience to have someone from another culture come and live with in your home.”
Jack from Otaki has been living in Argentina for the last nine months and says, “my host family were perfect for me. Without them I would never have accomplished what I have. I will return home with a new language, numerous cooking recipes and the best dance moves ever! I’ve transformed my perspective of life for the better and now can use my experiences to benefit myself and others in the future.”
Although most families host students for no payment, families can be paid $75 a week, if it’s the difference for a family hosting or not hosting.
For more information on how to host, call Diana Rennie on 0800 600 300 or look at the student profiles at