Korero Mai Ki Ahau
Korero Mai Ki Ahau - Saturday 9th April and Sunday 10th April
Saturday 12.00 - 12.30pm
Sunday 12.00
- 12.30pm
Both shows repeated 5.00pm – 6.00pm
On Saturday, Acknowledgement or apology? Maori Party and Labour’s Maori MPs have been tussling this week about how far the crown needs to go to say sorry for the damage done by a century-long campaign against te reo Maori that formed part of the Maori experience of colonisation. In Korero Mai Ki Ahau on Saturday, Eruera Morgan talks with Labour’s Peeni Henare about the last minute acknowledgement added to the te Reo Maori Bill, and how actions will speak louder than words.
On Sunday, Eruera Morgan will also speak with educationalist and former Maori Party president Pem Bird about the Education’s objections to including the New Zealand Wars in the school curriculum, despite a petition from schoolchildren who want to learn more about the events that have shaped their reality.
Korero Mai Ki Ahau a half hour features programme
every Saturday and Sunday from noon, which takes an in –
depth look at issues affecting te ao Maori. Totally in te
reo Maori brought to you by Waatea News in association with
Te Mangai Paho.
Ma Waatea ma te reo hei
Both shows will be available as podcast on our website: waateanews.com