Poroporoaki To Sir Graham Latimer
Poroporoaki To Sir Graham Latimer
From Te Whakaruruhau o Nga Reo Irirangi Maori
E Ta Kereama
Kua oti to pakanga, kua oti te mamae, kua oti to hikoi ki runga i te mata o te whenua.
Kei te maumahara ki o pukenga, ki to maaia, ki to kaha kia toa ai te ao Maori.
Ka hoki te whakaaro ki te waa i haere ai koutou ko nga roopu Maori ki te kooti teitei o te ao, araa ki te Privy Council, i reira koutou e te matua, e wero ana i te kawanatanga me te paatai he aha nga ahuatanga tika mo to taatou reo Maori i roto i te ao papaho.
Kaore e roa e Ta, ka puta mai nga reo irirangi Maori araa ko te whaanau whanui o Te Whakaruruhau.
No reira e te rangatira, ko tenei te mihi aroha ki a koe.
Moe mai koe ki nga ringaringa o nga maatua tuupuna kua riro atu ki te po.
Mai i te po nui ki te po ata
Mai i te po ata ki te ata po
Moe mai, moe mai, moe mai ra.
The Iwi Maori radio network acknowledges the passing of one of Maoridoms finest leaders Sir Graham Latimer, we on Maori radio are deeply indebted to Sir Graham for his magnificent work for our people particularly in the reo Maori area. Sir Graham fought for recognition of our language and took the fight for the reo all the way to the Privy council where he was successful. The creation of our 21 Station iwi radio network and Maori Television is a direct result of his efforts. We thank him for his wonderful work on behalf of the Maori nation and wish his whanau well at this very sad time.
Willie Jackson
Chairman of Te Whakaruruhau o Nga Reo Irirangi Maori