Beatlemania On Tour in New Zealand this Spring!
Beatlemania On Tour in New Zealand this Spring!

International hit tribute Beatlemania On Tour is returning to New Zealand this September and October with the second phase of their 2016 national tour.
Having already visited the North Island in May, the production will be performing the bulk of their Spring dates across the South Island, with just a few selected dates in the North.
Bringing a new Australian cast of Cameron Charters (as Paul McCartney), Zac Coombs (as John Lennon), Brent McMullen (as George Harrison) and Ben Harper (as Ringo), fans can expect a fresh experience with state-of- the-art updates to production and lighting plus revamps to the show’s huge collection of reproduction Beatles costuming.
Of course all the Beatles’ biggest and most treasured hits – 40 songs in total including Can’t Buy Me Love, Sergeant Peppers, Lonely Hearts Club Band, Yellow Submarine and Hey Jude - will still be performed live, in their original key and on replica Beatles instruments with unseen attention to detail creating the sincerest Beatles sound around.
“There is so much detail to get right for a show of this calibre; aside from getting the music spot-on we’re expected to nail the characters, voices, little movements. It’s a lot of work but it’s worth it when you see the end result and know that real Beatles’ fans will appreciate it,” says Charters, who even went so far as to teach himself to play the bass left-handed for his role as Paul McCartney.
With previous sold-out shows across the US, Canada, Dubai, Hong Kong, Australia and South Africa under its belt, this production is looking to uphold its reputation as one of the world’s best Beatles tributes and producers are confident it will do just that.
Tickets are on sale now via