Climbing season marred by tragedy
Climbing season marred by tragedy
Mountain Safety Council (MSC) CEO Mike Daisley said it was tragic that another climber wouldn’t make it home during the holiday season.
“We put out a media release on the 23rd December urging people to stay safe this season, and that we hoped we wouldn’t be commenting in the media.” said, Daisley.
“MSC express our condolences to the friends and families affected by this tragic mountaineering incident,” said, Daisley.
Mountain Safety Council research “There and Back” shows that December is a significant month for Mountaineering – 33% of fatalities occur in December. Daisley points out that this large percentage correlates with some of the best time to go into the high mountains.
“Summer is a traditional time to go mountaineering, so it’s natural that there will be a corresponding rise in incidents.” said, Daisley.
Dailey notes that the alpine environment of the mountains and glaciers is what draws people to these incredible places in the first place.
“Mountaineers are in a high risk, high reward environment. There are very few individuals who go into this environment on a whim having no understanding of the risks” said, Daisley.
Daisley is keen to make sure that mountaineers are aware that the risk is real and that it can happen to anyone.
“We’re reminding this community to plan for an appropriate level of risk, which is often a fine line to walk” said, Daisley.
"We urge those going out this year to double down on your safety measures and make sure you make it home" said, Daisley.
For more information on the research surrounding mountaineering head to the mountain safety council website
( or head to Facebook for updates and commentary throughout the season.