Bring your gumboots for a world record throw at Lincoln
Bring your gumboots for a world record throw at Lincoln

Want to be in the Guinness Book
of Records? Do you have the ability, and the inclination to
throw farm footwear over a line with hundreds of other
people in a field?
Then the Lincoln University Student Association (LUSA) needs you.
They are looking for people to take part in their gumboot throwing world record attempt, The Great Gumboot Toss.
No previous experience required. Just bring a gumboot. LUSA are looking to take the record back from Massey University who claimed it last year with 478. Lincoln set the record in 2013 with 348 people.
LUSA Vice president Tessa Williams says they are hoping for 500 people for the attempt on Tuesday 28 February at 11am on the University sports fields.
“Everyone is welcome. We have it set up through Guinness World Records so it will be official. There will a chance to have a bit of practice around 10.30am and afterwards there will be the South Island Gumboot throwing championships, so if you find a bit of hidden talent you could have a go at that.
“Distance is not the issue for the record attempt. We all just get together and give it a hurl.”
Let’s bring the record home.
Go to the LUSA Website for more details
• Media are invited to attend the record attempt, and there will be gumboots available for those who want to participate in the event.