Festival of Hockey matches to be streamed on Facebook
3rd April 2017
Vantage Hawke’s Bay Festival
of Hockey matches to be streamed on Facebook
HBSEEC is pleased to announce that live streaming of matches from the Vantage Hawke’s Bay Festival of Hockey being played in Hastings, New Zealand will begin this Thursday (6th April 2017).
The live steam will be available on Facebook and will include six matches from the International Vantage Hawke’s Bay Cup competition (including finals), 14 matches from the schoolgirls Furnware Cup (including semifinals and finals) and the finals from the men’s and women’s competition at the Affiliates tournament.
Tournament Director David Nancarrow says “This year the live streaming will be available on Facebook. To receive a notification prior to the start time of upcoming matches, just “LIKE” the Vantage Hawke’s Bay Festival of Hockey Facebook page (link below).”
“When the match starts streaming, everyone who has liked the FOH Facebook page gets a notification in their Facebook feed and then you can share an update about the match in progress with your friends.”
Fans can also make comments and post/talk to the commentators and other viewers as the match is streaming. Once the match is completed, the video is available to watch as a replay at anytime.
To receive a notification of Vantage Hawke’s Bay Festival live streamed matches “LIKE”
The draw for all three competitions is available at www.hockeyfestival.nz