The Someday Workshops are back
Free Film-Making Workshops Offer First Step on Pathway
to Success
The Someday Workshops are
Registrations are open for the 2017 series of free film-making workshops for young people.
The workshops have become a critical first step on the film-making pathway created by The Outlook forSomeday project.
Participants go on to make films for the project’s annual sustainability film challenge, for which the 2017 entry deadline is 8 September.
If they make a winning film it gets entered into at least one overseas film festival, which has led to international acclaim for participants in recent years.
The pathway has also now been extended by Someday Stories, a series of funded short films currently being made by emerging young film-makers with support from film industry mentors.
“What we’re seeing is that young people who come to the Someday Workshops are then entering great films into the Someday Challenge,” said Chris Widdup, Project Manager of The Outlook for Someday.
“Last year the workshops led to over half the 20 winning films in the film challenge. So they’re proving to be a valuable starting point for young New Zealand film-makers.”
The 2017 workshops will take place throughout New Zealand from June to August.
They run from 9am to 4.30pm on weekdays for young people from school years 7 to 13 (aged 11 to 18) as well as teachers and youth workers.
Space is limited to 25 participants per workshop.
For more information and registration go to