Auckland Racing Club Honour Legendary Birthday Boy!
02 August 2018
Auckland Racing Club Honour Legendary Birthday Boy!

Mufhasawas guest of honour
Thoroughbreds throughout the Southern Hemisphere turned a year older yesterday, and Auckland Racing Club helped one special four legged friend celebrate in true style!
All thoroughbreds in the Southern Hemisphere share the same birthday on 01 August.
Champion racehorse, Mufhasa, was singled out to be honoured with a special horse themed birthday party (think carrot cake, candles and party hats), at Ellerslie Racecourse to celebrate his 14th birthday.
A thoroughbred who has claimed prize money of over $3.62 million during his outstanding career, Mufhasa has won an impressive ten group one races, won Sprinter of the Year on three occasions and was twice named New Zealand Horse of The Year. Like many retired sporting heroes, he now earns his living modelling and was recently featured as the poster boy for a billboard campaign by the Auckland Racing Club. The handsome dark brown equine also featured at March’s Auckland Cup Week where he led the field of the ‘Mufhasa Stakes’ out onto the track.
Mufhasa was joined by his strapper and best human buddy, Amy Doran, the Ellerslie Racecourse team, and one of his four legged equine friends – “Stanley” - to mark their special day.
Paul Wilcox, CEO of Auckland Racing Club and Ellerslie Event Centre, explains why horses have a universal birthday; “The date is used as a standard measure, based on the equine breeding season so that for example a race involving two year old horses or a yearling puts all runners on an even footing.
“The first day of August is an exciting day for us as it signals the start of the racing season and our passion for these beautiful creatures who are the central point of our industry. We are thrilled to be joined by Mufhasa and the team to celebrate this great occasion.”