It follows, presented by Taipei Contemporary Art Center

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Presented by Taipei Contemporary Art
Part 1: Primer
8–24 November
Opening 5:30 p.m. Wednesday 7 November
art center in
As part of an exchange with Enjoy, Taipei Contemporary Art Center have developed an installation ahead of their visit to Wellington in late November. This “primer” begins to unpack some of the social, political and artistic ambitions of TCAC and asks Enjoy’s audience a series of open-ended questions, in order to prompt reflection and discussion in subsequent events and programmes.
Part 2: Programmes
follows screening programme curated by Shih-yu
Hsu, featuring moving image work by Chia-Wei Hsu, Liu Yu,
Kuo Yu-Ping, Tzu-Huan Lin and Wang Shao-Gang.
November–8 December
Preview with Q & A session with
TCAC curator Bochun Hsaio 6:00 p.m. Wednesday 28
Human perception is mediated through an awareness of our architectural surroundings. Only the feeling of the present moment can be sensed. The recollection of the past has to be extracted and rebuilt in memories. Memories are invisible and intangible, yet no one doubts their existence. They are like ghosts, following us wherever we go and hiding themselves under skins, in buildings, or perhaps residing in the cyber geometry. This exhibition features five Taiwanese artists born after 1980, into a time of drastic political and economic change in Taiwan. This selection of moving-image works traces the eerie side of the history of the island—at the same time disorienting us with a vision of a parallel narrative that is untold yet haunting.
Please note the screening is approximately 54 mins in duration and will begin on the hour at Enjoy during open hours 29 November–8 December 2018 (i.e. 11:00 a.m., 12 noon, 1:00 p.m.... every day).
and curatorial
practice/s: curators Frankie Su and
Bochun Hsaio in conversation
6:00 p.m. Friday
30 November
TCAC curator Bochun Hsiao and board member Frankie Su, director of Taipei’s Hong-Gah Museum, will discuss the history of TCAC and the modes of curatorial and artistic practice it supports.
This exchange between TCAC and Enjoy has been developed with the support of the Asia New Zealand Foundation, the National Culture and Arts Foundation, Taiwan and Creative New Zealand’s New Work to Asia Fund.